Politics, paper, print: reflections on the book history of the Mao era
For historians of the book, the case of modern China offers much to challenge and embellish prevailing narratives of the field. The Mao era was a particularly extraordinary period, when one of the world’s most populous and powerful states turned its attention to the dissemination of print on an unprecedented scale. In this talk, Dr Wills – whose career bridges the academic and rare books worlds – explores some of the many facets of modern Chinese book history, stressing elements that transcend polarized interpretations of socio-cultural history during the Cold War.
Date: 1 February 2024, 17:15
Venue: Trinity College, Broad Street OX1 3BH
Venue Details: Garden Room
Speaker: Dr Matt Wills (Peter Harrington Rare Books)
Organiser: Dr Sarah Cusk (Lincoln College, Oxford)
Organiser contact email address: sarah.cusk@lincoln.ox.ac.uk
Part of: Oxford Bibliographical Society
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Public
Editor: Sarah Cusk