Communicating the climate change impacts of food: IFSTAL Public Lecture 2021
The food we eat is responsible for one quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions produced by humans. Food system activities, including growing, transporting, packaging and disposal, have significant climate impacts. How can we connect and communicate food and climate change in order to influence producers and policymakers? Whose role is it to empower consumers to make informed decisions?
Join two leading food system experts – Professor Sarah Bridle of the University of Manchester, and Dan Crossley of Food Ethics Council – as they delve into the issues around engaging people on the climate change impacts of food.
Sarah is a Professor in the Physics Department at the University of Manchester working on food and climate change, and cosmology. She is also the author of Food and Climate Change without the Hot Air, a book aimed at the lay person about how different foods contribute to climate change, and what we can do about it. Read more about Sarah.
Dan is Executive Director of the Food Ethics Council. He has worked on food sustainability issues for over 15 years, leading work on a range of issues, from our relationship with meat to tackling household food insecurity to power dynamics in the food system. Read more about Dan.
12 May 2021, 17:15
Venue to be announced
Dr Sarah Bridle (University of Manchester),
Dan Crossley (Food Ethics Council)
Organising department:
School of Geography and the Environment
Roger Sykes (Environmental Change Institute)
Organiser contact email address:
Dr John Ingram (University of Oxford)
Booking required?:
Booking url:
Members of the University only
Roger Sykes