OCCT Discussion Group: Translation and the Zsolnay Publishing House, 1924-1938
In this talk Tatsiana Haiden will approach analysing the publisher´s translation policies from the translator-centred perspective, and will show the situations in which translators acted as initiators of the publishing process, as mediators between the author and the publisher, or as publisher´s agents abroad. Haiden will look at how translators influenced translation policies of the publisher in a long term perspective and how their social and symbolic capital helped surviving lives. Finally, Haiden will comment on the connection of the socio-political events, the choice of source languages in the respective years, and the translator´s role in it.

To register please email: mariachiara.leteo@lincoln.ox.ac.uk with the subject line: “Week 8 – Discussion Group registration”.

The Discussion Group will run digitally on Mondays on a fortnightly basis (1pm; Weeks 2;4;6;8), and will require registration. For further details and to register, go to the OCCT events page: www.occt.ox.ac.uk/events and DG page: www.occt.ox.ac.uk/occt-discussion-group-2019-2020-comparisons-across-and-beyond-genres

Check our website for the most up-to-date information on our events.
Date: 15 June 2020, 13:00
Venue: This event will be live-streamed via Microsoft Teams.
Speaker: Tatsiana Haiden (University of Vienna)
Organisers: Anna Saroldi, Mariachiara Leteo
Organiser contact email address: mariachiara.leteo@lincoln.ox.ac.uk
Part of: Oxford Comparative Criticism and Translation
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Sadie Slater