AIMday Microscopy
The University of Oxford will be hosting an AIMday* focused on Microscopy. It is a no-cost opportunity for companies and organisations to exchange knowledge and ideas with Oxford University academics and clinical researchers.

Microscopy is at the heart of much of the biomedical research that is conducted at the University of Oxford. Technological advances in both hardware and image analysis capabilities are opening up new and exciting applications in biological research. Oxford has a world-class biomedical imaging community both in the development and application of novel advanced techniques. This event offers an opportunity for external organisations and researchers from Oxford to get together and discuss current and future challenges and opportunities in the field.

*The AIMday concept has been successfully pioneered by the University of Uppsala, Sweden and used in a wide variety of contexts. More information can be found on their website.
Topics can include but are not limited to:
* New advanced microscopy techniques, including improved imaging methods
eg Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy
* Quantitative image analysis
* Biological applications, including live cell imaging
* Particle tracking by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
* Development of hardware/software
* Electron microscopy/cryo-EM
Date: 17 July 2017, 9:00 (Monday, 13th week, Trinity 2017)
Venue: Blavatnik School of Government, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter OX2 6GG
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organising department: Medical Sciences Office
Organisers: Oliver Voss (Business Development Medical Sciences), Martin Kerr (Business Development Medical Sciences)
Organiser contact email address:
Part of: AIMday
Booking required?: Not required
Booking url:
Cost: FREE
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Martin Kerr