Association between maternal infection during pregnancy and childhood leukaemia in the offspring
Leukaemia is the most common cancer in children. Although its aetiology remains unclear, recent evidence strongly suggests that a substantial fraction of childhood leukaemias originate in utero. Infection of the mother during pregnancy, transmitted to the foetus, is an important potential cause of genetic or immunological abnormalities and may lead to childhood leukaemia. Over quite a lengthy period various groups around the world have examined the association between maternal infection and risk of childhood leukaemia, but the results were inconsistent and mainly derived from case-control studies with relatively low-quality data. In this seminar, Jeff will summarise the existing evidence and then present some preliminary results using prospective data from the International Childhood Cancer Cohort Consortium (I4C).
A recording will be made available shortly after the event. Follow us on Twitter @georgeinstuk with #GeorgeSeminars to catch the release.
13 November 2019, 14:30
75 George Street (Hayes House), 75 George Street OX1 2BQ
Venue Details:
Seminar Room, 1st Floor, Hayes House. Lift and stair access
Jianrong He (DPhil Student, The George Institute for Global Health, UK at the University of Oxford)
Organising department:
George Institute for Global Health
Organiser contact email address:
Part of:
The George Institute for Global Health UK Seminars
Booking required?:
Not required
All welcome
Anastasia Bow-Bertrand