Practical Challenges of Sustainable Electrification in Africa“
To express you interest in attending please email
10:00 – 10:45 Welcome notes

Dr Susann Stritzke – Welcome & objectives of the workshop
Prof Vanesa Castan Broto – Introduction of the Project & the Sustainable Development Programme
Irene Chengo Mudenda, First Secretary of Trade, Zambia High Commission – ‘The importance of sustainable electrification strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa’
Dr Long Seng To, Loughborough University – ‘Mapping synergies and trade-offs between energy and the Sustainable Development Goals’

10:45 – 12:15 Session 1 – Macro- and Micro-level determinants of energy frameworks in Africa

Chair: Dr Kim Schumacher, Smith School of Enterprise and Environment

Philipp Trotter, University of Bath – ‘Power system optimisation in Uganda: Trading off costs, carbon emissions and subnational inequality’
Prof Andrea Micangeli, University of Rome – ‘The off-grid training academy in Uganda’
Lucy Stevens, Senior Policy and Practice Adviser, Practical Action – ‘The potential role of NGOs in facilitating sustainable electrification’
Q & A Round 1

12:15 Lunch + networking

13:00 – 15:00 Session 2 – Practitioners approaches for sustainable electrification in Africa

Chair: Dr Aoife Brophy Haney, Smith School of Enterprise and Environment

Nicholas Wrigley, CEO Winch Energy – ‘The economics of RE off-grid projects in Africa and the ‘multi utility’ concept as a future opportunity’
Alex Katon, Director InfraCo Africa – ‘Learning lessons and strategic implications from four off-grid projects in Africa’
Dr Herta von Stiegel, Founder & Executive Chair, Ariya Capital Group – ‘RE Project Financing in Africa – Challenges and Opportunities’
Bruno Lopes, RVE.Sol – ‘From a pilot project to a viable scalability of the mini-grids in rural Africa’
Discussion / Q&A

15:00 – 15:15 Coffee break

15:15-16:30 Session 3 – Research perspectives on sustainable energy frameworks in Africa & future implications

Chair: Andrew Scott, Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

Nicholas Geddes, Senior Consultant at ESP Consulting – ‘Innovation through RE solutions in Wildlife Conservation’
Prof Vanesa Castan Broto, University of Sheffield – ‘Sustainable Energy Access in Mozambique’
Dr Susann Stritzke, University of Oxford – ‘On-grid vs. Off-grid: Results from 2 research projects on RE implementation in SSA’
Outlook & General Discussion

16:30 Drinks reception + networking
Date: 7 June 2018, 10:00
Venue: Dyson Perrins Building, off South Parks Road OX1 3QY
Venue Details: Beckit Room (& Gottman B), Dyson Perrins Building, South Parks Road, Oxford
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organising department: Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment
Organiser: Smith School
Host: Smith School
Booking required?: Required
Booking email:
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editors: Deborah Strickland, Anna Baginska, Donna Palfreman