Daisy Hay: Stories of Romantic Birmingham
We are delighted that Daisy Hay (University of Exeter) will give the second OCLW and Arts of Place Annual Lecture. Daisy’s new book, Dinner with Joseph Johnson, is an extraordinary account of writing, publishing, and friendship in a revolutionary age — and Birmingham is central to the story.
Tuesday 3 May, 5.30pm BST (UK time)
University of Birmingham, Arts Building Lecture Room 3. Lecture followed by drinks reception.
Register: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/daisy-hay-stories-of-romantic-birmingham-tickets-311761616387
If you’re new to Birmingham, or haven’t visited the campus before, you’ll find there’s lots to explore so you might want to make an afternoon of it. Trains from New Street stop at ‘University’ station, bringing you right to the gate (walk straight in past the Paolozzi sculpture). Stroll through the park-like ‘Green Heart’ and explore the collections at the Barber Art Gallery (open until 5 on Tuesdays). In the Arts Building, you’ll find Peter Lanyon’s fine mural from 1963 – and signs to the lecture room.
The OCLW and Arts of Place Annual Lecture is a collaboration with the University of Birmingham’s Arts of Place network, and will function as this term’s Weinrebe Lecture.
About Arts of Place: Based in the Department of English at the University of Birmingham, Arts of Place is led by Alexandra Harris and Jessica Fay. We’re interested in how places are imagined and represented; why ‘sense of place’ matters to individuals and communities; how responsiveness to a particular patch of ground, or a view, or a building, or the route of a journey can open up powerful ideas that connect people across time and across the world.
About OCLW: The Oxford Centre for Life-Writing (OCLW) is a leading centre for the study of biography, diaries, memoir, and life-writing in all its forms. We are attached to the Faculty of English and based at Wolfson College, Oxford University.
3 May 2022, 17:30
Venue to be announced
Professor Daisy Hay (Exeter)
Organising department:
Oxford Centre for Life-Writing
Charles Pidgeon (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address:
Booking required?:
Booking url:
Charles Pidgeon