Methodology of Collective Reasoning in the Modern Islamic World: The Case of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy
The presentation aims to discuss the methodology of collective reasoning (ijtihad) activity in the face of contemporary jurisprudential issues in the Islamic world. It will first provide theoretical information on collective ijtihad, and contemporary fiqh problems, before moving on to examine the decisions of ‘The International Islamic Fiqh Academy’ (IIFA), which is considered the most influential institution of collective ijtihad in the Islamic world.
Date: 12 November 2024, 17:00 (Tuesday, 5th week, Michaelmas 2024)
Venue: Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, Marston Road OX3 0EE
Speaker: Professor Ismail Cebeci (Marmara University)
Organising department: Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies
Organiser contact email address:
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Public
Editor: Moin Nizami