Multi-omics Approaches to Decipher Adaptive Immune Cell Responses in Health & Disease.

Rachael will discuss approaches to combining multi-omics and imaging approaches to probe the adaptive immune responses in health and disease. Her talk will span approaches to monitor haematological malignancies and understanding clonal heterogeneity, to using single cell transcriptomics coupled with immune cell receptor (BCR and TCR) sequencing and CITE-seq to decipher the nature of immune cells in tumour microenvironment. She will discuss some recent approaches for achieving data quality, as well as going from omics to mechanism.

Rachael did her PhD at Wellcome Sanger Institute where she developed methods for B and T cell receptor sequencing for characterising adaptive immune responses in health, leukaemia and infectious disease. Then she went onto win the Sir Henry Wellcome Fellowship in University of Cambridge working on characterising B cell dysfunction in autoimmune diseases and the effects of different immunomodulatory therapies. Now she is a group leader at the Wellcome Centre of Human Genetics at the University of Oxford. Her lab is developing and exploiting novel experimental and computational methods to decipher the mechanistic basis of immune cell regulation across immunological diseases and cancers from novel perspectives to hopefully provide insights for guiding better therapeutics.

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