The Balancing Act: Defence sustainability versus the Sustainability of Defence
Dr Sarah Ashbridge is an expert on climate change impacts on military strategy, a military historian and a forensic archaeologist. She currently works for the Ministry Of Defence climate change and sustainability group, where she researches long term climate change impacts on UK military strategy. She is a former RUSI fellow, and has researched the operational response to fallen soldiers, the 1906 Geneva Convention and the archaeological legacy of war in Western Europe.

We will be hosting a dinner with Dr. Ashbridge prior to the event at 6.15pm at Quod, 92-94 High St. If you would like to ballot for a place, please e-mail by Sunday evening. Students and those with a curiosity or background in sustainability in security matters are particularly encouraged to ballot. Those selected will receive an email the following day. Please note that attendees are required to pay for their own dinner.

Main access to the Old Library is via a steep staircase. Arrangements can be made for those with limited mobility to use a stairlift and a Fellow’s room to gain access. Please let us know if you require this type of assistance. Capacity is limited so please arrive early.
Date: 16 January 2024, 20:30 (Tuesday, 1st week, Hilary 2024)
Venue: All Souls College, High Street OX1 4AL
Venue Details: Old Library
Speakers: Speaker to be announced
Host: Oxford University Strategic Studies Group
Booking required?: Not required
Cost: A £2 fee for attendance at the speaker event is kindly requested for all non-members of OUSSG. If you need to renew your membership, you can do so on our website or at the door.
Audience: Public
Editor: Julia Amann