Becoming an adversity ninja: How to be resilient in the conservation world
It is part of human nature to desire ease, abundance and connection. Yet, more often than we wish, we find ourselves in places of discomfort, lack and disconnection. As we journey through life, there are infinite moments when we get to choose how adversity impacts us, especially if we are in the world of conservation. When our natural world is struggling, our careers feel bleak, or feel things are simply piling too high for too long and simply “not working out,” how do we interpret it, learn from it and grow from it? Adversity holds a tremendous amount of wisdom if we allow it to be our teacher. Overcoming hardships is what builds resiliency and offers us the opportunity to expand beyond what we thought we were capable of if we let it.

Join us as Jennifer Palmer, Founder of Women for Wildlife, provides a spark of insight into how to befriend our mind, ego and heart so that we can show up fully as ourselves in the world.
Date: 12 April 2022, 17:00 (Tuesday, -1st week, Trinity 2022)
Venue: Zoom
Speaker: Jennifer Palmer (Women for Wildlife)
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Booking required?: Required
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Audience: Public
Editor: Julia Migne