The European Fiscal-Military System 1530-1870: Second Project Research Workshop
As the ‘FMSystem’ project reaches its midway point, and in consultation with its International Advisory Board, this second workshop will present the team’s work in progress and explore some initial findings.


09:30-09:45 Tentative Conclusions and Open Questions

09:45-11:15 ‘Conversations’ on

1) chronology
2) urban hubs and their relationships to the fiscal-military system, and
3) comparing urban ‘fiscal-military hubs’ functioning as centres of expertise, resource accumulation and production.

11:15-12:00 Further discussion over virtual coffee

More detail on the project’s case studies and research team can be found on our website:
Date: 17 March 2021, 9:30
Venue: Online with Zoom
Speaker: Various Speakers
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Laura Spence