Day 1 - HSMT Postgraduate Conference 2024: A Night at the Museum

Registration is now closed for catering purposes. If you would still like to attend (without lunch) please see booking email below.

Thursday 6 June – 09:45-16:15


09:45-10:00 Registration

10:00-10:15 Opening Remarks: Dr Alex Aylward

10:15-11:35 Panel 1: Interactive Display (Technology) Chair: Tadhg Goodison

  • Joseph Foster, Battling the biscuit: the role of dental laboratories in the Royal Air Force Dental Branch, 1939-1945
  • Elena Morgana, The liquor Alkahest: a universal solvent fostering alchemical networks in the 1660-1670s
  • Asmita Sarkar, The search for a suitable apparatus: X-rays and medicine in colonial and post-colonial India (1897-1960)

11:35-11:55 Break

11:55-13:15 Panel 2: Gift Shop (Public Engagement) Chair: Elizabeth Schulz

  • Elizabeth Monthofer, The history of bioequivalence: an ethics case study of Hatch-Waxman
  • Han Zhang, Sanitary nationalism: the body, germs, and state sovereignty in the Patriotic Health Campaign
  • Utsa Bose, “An ill-feeling”: perspectives on the bubonic plague pandemic in Calcutta 1890-1920

13:15-14:15 Lunch

14:15-16:00 Panel 3: Lecture Theatre (Pedagogy) Chair: Molly Wilson

  • Tadhg Goodison, Unveiling the pedagogical legacy of John Phillips: exploring material culture and educational practices in 19th-century geology at Oxford University
  • Ellen Hausner, From figure to glyph: the transmission of meaning in visual alchemical texts, c. 1450-1700
  • Elizabeth Schulz, The growth of the Tree of Life: pedagogical, heuristic, or theory-generative? Manifestations in textbooks, popular science, and specialist science, 1860-1960
  • Joseph Drakeley, Building the Nuffield science advanced physics course

16:00-16:15 Closing Remarks: Professor Rob Iliffe