3 – The afterlife of a Baroque play

[with short clips of modern interpretations of Fuente Ovejuna]

- C.C. Oechler, ‘Dictating aesthetic and political legitimacy through Golden Age Theater: Fuente Ovejuna at the Teatro Español, directed by Cayetano Luca de Tena (1944)’, Hispanic Review 86:4 (2018): 439-461 – C.B. Weimer, ‘The politics of adaptation: Fuenteovejuna in Pinochet’s Chile’, in Echoes and Inscriptions: Comparative Approaches to Early Modern Spanish Literatures, edited by B.A. Simerka and C.B. Weimar (2000), pp. 234-249. – J.T. Parker, ‘Recruiting the Literary Tradition: Lope de Vega’s Fuenteovejuna as cultural weapon during the Spanish Civil War’, Bulletin of the Comediantes 62:1 (2010): 123-143

The PDFs of the readings on which each meeting is based are precirculated via email, but can also be obtained by writing to iberian@history.ox.ac.uk