From the One and Only to the Many: the Rise of Women in Law in 100 Years
Dana Denis-Smith speaks about: how and why we should celebrate and discuss women’s history; women’s portraiture; her award-winning work celebrating the first 100 years of women in the legal profession in the United Kingdom; and its follow-up ‘The Next 100 Years’ focusing on the future of women in law.

Mansfield College is part of the University of Oxford. Its mission is to make the University more accessible and it has the highest state sector intake of Oxford colleges. We hope you enjoy our free public events.
Date: 14 May 2021, 17:30
Venue: Online via Zoom. Attendance is free but booking is necessary to receive the link.
Speaker: Dana Denis-Smith (founder of the First Hundred Years Project and CEO of Obelisk Support.)
Organising department: Mansfield College
Organiser: Vanessa Hack (Mansfield College)
Organiser contact email address:
Host: Helen Mountfield, QC (Mansfield College)
Part of: Mansfield Public Talks
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Vanessa Hack