What is Crazy Ethics and why does it matter?
Saul Smilansky (DPhil, Oxford) is a Professor at the Department of Philosophy, University of Haifa, Israel. He works primarily on normative and applied ethics, the free will problem, and meaning in life. He is the author of Free Will and Illusion (Oxford University Press 2000), 10 Moral Paradoxes (Blackwell 2007), and over one hundred papers in philosophical journals and edited collections. Saul is on sabbatical at Oxford until the end of July 2024. He is completing a book on “Crazy Ethics”, the idea that much in morality seems true (or at least plausible) yet absurd. He is looking at examples and wondering what to do about all this.
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Meeting ID: 844 8285 1553 / Passcode: 317863
30 January 2024, 20:00
At Slager Jewish Student Centre, 61 George St, Oxford OX1 2BQ
Professor Saul Smilansky (Oxford/Haifa)
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Oxford Chabad Society
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Belinda Clark