Pedalling Innovation: Oxford's First Cycling Hackathon
Come and join us at ‘Pedalling Innovation: Oxford’s first cycle data hackathon’, at the Story Museum in Central Oxford, 5-6 February 2016.

To enable us as a city to take constructive and targeted action to make cycling in Oxford great, we want YOU to help us answer the following questions:

What do we want/need to know about cycling in Oxford?
How can we capture the information that we need?
And how can we put this data to practical use?

You don’t need to know about data or hackathons and you don’t need to know about cycling – everyone is welcome, and the more creativity the better.

This free event will run from the Friday evening through to Saturday evening, and should be great fun. See the attached document for further information, or see to sign up.

Please circulate news of this event as far and wide as you can – and not just to cyclists. We’ve attached a pdf with full info about the event, plus a jpeg eflyer.

Bring your creativity and enthusiasm, and let’s find ways to make cycling in this city great.

We hope to see you there!

Mim Saxl
Project Coordinator, agile-ox
Date: 5 February 2016, 17:00
Venue: The Story Museum, Oxford
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organiser contact email address:
Part of: ONE
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Emma Weisbord