Urban Spaces
1. The Place of Citizenship: Urban Space and the everyday politics of London Labour, 1931-1945
2. From Shtetl to City: Jewish Immigration to the Lower East Side of New York and the East End of London, 1880-1921. A Study in Spatial Dynamics
3. Militarised cities? Housing and garrisoning the French Empire’s troops in Napoleonic Northern Italy
Date: 24 January 2017, 18:00
Venue: History Faculty, George Street OX1 2RL
Venue Details: Rees Davies Room
Speakers: Owen Sellers (Hartford College), Anthony Taylor (Somerville College), Vittoria Princi (St Hugh's College)
Part of: Work in Progress Faculty-wide graduate seminar
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Laura Spence