Theological Conference 2022: Descent of the Dove: Knowing and Loving in Spirit and Truth
Descent of the Dove: Knowing and Loving in Spirit and Truth will consider the person and work of the Holy Spirit, and the inevitable transformation which any knowledge of, faith in, or encounter with, the Holy Spirit both invites and enables.

We have an inspiring group of speakers to guide and enlighten us on this journey: Lewis Ayres, Richard Conrad, Susan Gillingham, Malcolm Guite, Carol Harrison, Karen Kilby, Matthew Levering, Jack Levison, Andrew Louth, John McGuckin, Oliver O’Donovan, Marcus Plested, Ephraim Radner, Gary Thorne, Graham Tomlin, Robin Ward, Kallistos Ware, Rowan Williams, Judith Wolfe, and N T Wright (more info below).

Pusey House is committed to the discipline and study of Theology from within the worshipping life of the Church, so that our academic endeavours are informed, enriched and sustained by the sacred liturgy and daily offices. The academic programme of the 2022 conference will therefore be interspersed with opportunities for collective worship in the Catholic tradition of the Church of England.
This conference will contribute to the recovery of the Church’s authentic mind and memory, in order to renew our encounter with the risen and ascended Christ, who is ever present in the Church and the world by the Holy Spirit.

The upcoming 2022 conference, ‘The Descent of the Dove: Knowing and Loving in Spirit and Truth’, will be the third of a series following, ‘A Transforming Vision: Knowing and Loving the Triune God’ (2016), and ‘Totus Christus: Knowing and Loving the Son of Man’ (2018). The papers from former conferences have been published by SCM Press as A Transforming Vision (2018) and Christ Unabridged (2020).

Schedule: The conference will start at 2 pm on Monday 4 July, preceded by High Mass with sermon at 11 am, and will conclude on Wednesday 6 July after a concluding address by the Rt Rev’d Rowan Williams, followed by Choral Evensong and sermon at 6:00 pm.
Date: 4 July 2022, 14:00
Venue: Pusey House
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organising department: Faculty of Theology and Religion
Organiser: Revd Dr George Westhaver (University of Oxford)
Host: Revd Dr George Westhaver (University of Oxford)
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Booking email:
Audience: Public
Editors: Frances Roach, Alberto Garzoni