Symposium on Exemplars in the Gospels
In recent years there has been growing academic interest in the topic of moral exemplars, from psychological, theological, philosophical, and educational perspectives. How might the rich tradition of reflection on exemplars in the New Testament inform and interact with this inquiry? What might this interaction contribute to academic inquiry and pastoral ministry. The Exemplars in the Gospels symposium will explore Biblical exemplars with a particular focus on the four Gospels. While inspirational, many New Testament exemplars are more complex and ‘human’ than the heroic exemplars revered in ancient Greece, a dynamic that relates to recent psychological research on the moral potency of “relevant” and “attainable” as well as “inspiring” and “surprising” exemplars. The symposium will consider New Testament exemplars and invite discussion on the relation between traditions of exemplarist moral theory and education. It is intended to be relevant to philosophers, psychologists, theologians and educational practitioners, including preachers in ecclesial contexts as well as teachers of philosophy and religion.

Matthean Jesus: The Greatest Teacher Ever Told?
Rev Julia Baldwin, Brasenose College, University of Oxford

Simon Peter in the Gospel of Mark: An Exemplary Failure?
Rev. Dr Jonathan Brant, Oxford Pastorate and University of Oxford

Unlikely Human Exemplars in Luke
Rev. Dr Joanna Collicutt, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford

Exemplars and Archetypes and Icons, oh my! Some observations regarding John’s structure
Rev Dr Michael Lakey, Vicar, Chalgrove & Berrick Salome

09.45 – 17.00 This event is free of charge. Coffee and a vegetarian lunch will be provided.
Date: 10 June 2022, 9:45 (Friday, 7th week, Trinity 2022)
Venue: Harris Manchester College, Mansfield Road OX1 3TD
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organising department: Faculty of Theology and Religion
Host: Dr Oliver Coates (University of Cambridge)
Booking required?: Required
Booking email:
Audience: Public
Editor: Frances Roach