What Does it Mean to be Human in the Digital Age?
Join The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities at the University of Oxford for the opening event in their Humanities and the Digital Age Series.

Humanities and the Digital Age will explore the relationship between Humanities and the digital. It will consider digital’s at once disruptive and creative potential, and imagine future territory to be prospected. Underpinning this is perhaps the most important question of all: What does it mean to be human in the digital age? How might it reshape the way we create meaning and values?

In this opening event we bring together a panel of experts from across the Humanities and the cultural sector to examine how the digital age has shaped, and will continue to shape, the human experience and the Humanities. We will be joined by Tom Chatfield (author and broadcaster), Chris Fletcher (Professorial Fellow and Keeper of Special Collections at the Bodleian Library), Diane Lees (Director-General of Imperial War Museums), and Emma Smith (Fellow and Tutor in English, University of Oxford). The discussion will be chaired by Dame Lynne Brindley (Master, Pembroke College, University of Oxford).

There will be plenty of time for audience questions and discussion, which will be followed by a drinks reception from 7.00-7.30pm. Free and all welcome. Please click here to register for your free ticket.

For those unable to attend in person, the event will be live-streamed, please join us at 17:30 GMT at: livestream.com/oxuni/human-in-the-digital-age.

TORCH is offering a free ‘pop up’ crèche at this event. The Little Hens Childcare company will be at the venue, so parents/carers attending the event can drop their children off and pick them up after the event finishes. Please book your space here (you will need to book a separate ‘General Admission’ ticket for the parent/carer attending the event). Please email hannah.penny@humanities.ox.ac.uk if you have any questions or would like further information.
Date: 21 January 2016, 17:30
Venue: Mathematical Institute, Woodstock Road OX2 6GG
Speakers: Dame Lynne Brindley (Master, Pembroke College, University of Oxford), Emma Smith (Fellow and Tutor in English, University of Oxford), Diane Lees (Director-General of Imperial War Museums), Chris Fletcher (Professorial Fellow and Keeper of Special Collections at the Bodleian Library), Tom Chatfield (author and broadcaster)
Organising department: The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH)
Organiser: Hannah Penny (Communications and Events Officer, TORCH)
Organiser contact email address: hannah.penny@humanities.ox.ac.uk
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/what-does-it-mean-to-be-human-in-the-digital-age-tickets-20073240603
Booking email: hannah.penny@humanities.ox.ac.uk
Cost: None
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Laura Spence