The departure of the UK from the European Union in January 2020 has had a profound effect on the UK’s higher education sector. This has been particularly marked in relation to the international mobilities of students – both into the UK, and from the UK to other nations. The UK left the European Union’s Erasmus+ mobility programme, replacing it with its own ‘Turing Scheme’, while EU students moving to the UK, to study for the whole of a degree, became liable for full international fees (rather than the much lower ‘domestic’ fees that they paid prior to Brexit). Drawing on various sources of empirical data, this lecture will explore the nature and impact of ‘post-Brexit’ student mobilities. It will consider changing patterns of inward and outward mobility – as part of short-term schemes as well as for the whole of a degree – and how these articulate with government policy and discourse. It will also document the rise of various new mobility infrastructures related to post-Brexit student mobilities.
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