Library Access in Early-Modern Europe: English and Scottish Scholars Abroad and the Limits of Knowledge Exchange
Jonathan Woolfson, Padua and the Tudors: English Students in Italy, 1485-1603 (Cambridge, 1998)
Jessica G. Purdy, ‘Access, restrictions and readership in early modern parish libraries’, 2024, accessible online via St Andrews Research Repository; Robert B. Todd, ‘Henry and Thomas Savile in Italy’, Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance, 58/2 (1996), 439-44
6 March 2025, 17:00
Lincoln College, Turl Street OX1 3DR
Venue Details:
Oakeshott Room
Dr John-Mark Philo (University of East Anglia and Bodleian Library)
Organising department:
Faculty of History
Part of:
Early Modern Britain Seminar
Booking required?:
Not required
Members of the University only
Belinda Clark