World première of iGEM and BIOMOD jamboree presentations
The Oxford University Society for Synthetic Biology (SynBio.Oxford) is pleased to be hosting talks by Oxford University’s iGEM and BIOMOD teams. iGEM and BIOMOD are highly prestigious undergraduate synthetic biology competitions, specializing in genetic engineering and bionanotechnology respectively. Teams from around the world compete to design and build new tools, genetic circuits, DNA structures and lots more. Both teams have spent their summers working on their projects and this will be the first public unveiling of their work. Many team projects are at the leading edge in their respective fields, and are often the starting point for much larger scientific or industrial applications. The Oxford BIOMOD team in particular is breaking new ground as the first ever UK team to participate at the competition.
10 October 2017, 16:45
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Building, off South Parks Road OX1 3QU
Venue Details:
Seminar room
Speaker to be announced
Part of:
Booking required?:
Not required
Members of the University only
James Scott-Brown