Singing at Work and the Work of Songs in the Long Nineteenth-Century

10.30 Coffee

11.00 Introduction (Éva Guillorel, Caen University)

11.15 Lacemakers and Old Songs in the Nineteenth Century: A Pan-European Work Culture (David Hopkin, Herford College) – Song Types and Singing in a British Oral History. Autobiography: Repertoire and Performance in George Hewins, “The Dillen” (1981), (Timothy Ashplant, KCL)

12:45 Lunch

14:00 Singers and poètes-ouvriers; The Representations of the Working World in France (1817-1871), (Philippe Darriulat, Lille University) – Intoning Proletarian Nations: Socialist Workers’Song in Habsburg Austria, 1868-1918, (Jakub Beneš, University College)

15:30 Coffee

15:45 Industrialisation and Silencing: Placing the Death of Singing at Work Cultures at the Centre of the Narrative of the Decline on Singing in Britain, (Marek Korczynski, Nottingham University)

16:30 Et tout finit par des chansons… (Robert Bouthillier, Caen University)