Translational Research Symposium 2024
Please note that the places are limited and we highly recommend to register as soon as possible using the link provided below. The registration deadline is the 2nd of July 2024, 12pm. Please note that the event is not in remit for DPhil / Masters / Undergraduate students.
08:45 Registration

09:20 Welcome | Prof Matthew Wood, Associate Head of Division (Innovation)

09:30 Launch of Medical and Life Sciences Translational Fund (MLSTF) 2024 | Dr Deepak Kumar, Head of the Translational Research Office

9:45 – 9.55 Johnson & Johnson Innovation Fund | Dr Gillian Tannahill
9:55 – 10:05 Oxford Biomedica Innovation Fund | Dr Dan Farley
10:05 – 10:15 Novo Nordisk Innovation Fund | Prof Joanna Holbrook
10:15 – 10:25 Cancer Research Horizons (CRUK) Innovation Fund | Dr Gill Shuttleworth
10:25 – 10:35 University Challenge Seed Fund | Dr Naunehal Matharu
10:35 – 10:45 EPSRC IAA, MPLS Impact Office, Oxford | Mrs Hyea Matthews-Palmer

10:45 Refreshment Break

11:05 MLSTF Case for Support Form: What the Panel Are Looking for? | Dr Oliver Rughani-Hindmarch, Translational Research Office

11:25 Have you discussed your IP strategy with Oxford University Innovation? | Dr Matthew Carpenter (Deputy Head of Licensing & Ventures – Life Sciences at Oxford University Innovation (OUI)

11:40 MLSTF Successful Case Studies: | Moderator: Dr Kavita Subramaniam, Translational Research Office
1) First time lucky | Dr Elena Stylianou, The Jenner Institute
2) Second time lucky | Dr Winok Lapidaire, Radcliffe Department of Medicine

12:10 Lunch and Networking

13:15 Emerging Translational Innovators: Access route for Early Career Researcher only! | Mrs Vlada Yarosh, Translational Research Office

13:25 FIRESIDE CHAT 1: Using the ETI route to turbocharge YOU and your SCIENCE
The TRO had launched a dedicated route for early career researchers via MLSTF called the Early Translational Innovators (ETI) route. The route provides a step-change opportunity for ETIs to independently pursue their translational research endeavours and as a stepping stone towards career development and aspirations in translational space. Join us to hear from the successful ETI applicants from the previous round of MLSTF! The session will cover the applicants’ first-hand experience of the submission and their recommendations on how to boost your chances of securing this career-transformative funding and the value of inflection point they hope to reach in their career development journey via their MLSTF award.

Panel: Mrs Vlada Yarosh (Translational Research Office) – Moderator, Dr Nessa Carey (Carey International Impact Technologies), Dr Thomas Lanyon-Hogg (Department of Pharmacology), Dr Jennifer Frommer (Department of Paediatrics)

13:55 FIRESIDE CHAT 2: Why does the committee have all the power?
This fireside chat will include discussions on the committee panel, including how the committee works, why we have one and what happens at the committee meeting. This talk will also discuss when is the right time for academics to embark on their translational research journey, including what data they should have and what processes they should have in place.

Panel: Dr Deepak Kumar (Translational Research Office) – Moderator, Dr Nessa Carey (Carey International Impact Technologies), Prof Paresh Vyas ( Radcliffe Department of Medicine), Dr Laura Ferguson (AstraZeneca)

14:25 Refreshment Break

14:55 FIRESIDE CHAT 3 : Mastering the Milestone Mindset
You are expected to plan for a reasonable go/no-go milestone in your MLSTF proposal. This fireside chat will include discussions on how to strategically plan, execute, and present your project milestones effectively. Gain insights from funding panel members on what makes a manageable and realistic milestone and how cultivating a milestone-focused approach can enhance your grant proposals, increasing your chances of securing funding and advancing your research or project.

Panel: Dr Nessa Carey (Carey International Impact Technologies) – Moderator, Dr Adam Babbs (Medical Research Council), Prof. Sally Collins (Nuffield Department of Women’s & Reproductive Health), Dr Rouzet Agaiby (eg technology), Prof Angela Russell (Department of Chemistry)

15:25 FIRESIDE CHAT 4: Life after MLSTF
You are expected to reach a value inflection point after completing your MLSTF proposal. This fireside chat will include discussions on the potential routes to continuing the development of your commercialisation pathway. This could include further follow-on funding and major translational funding scheme routes, industry partnering, licensing deals, or spin out. The stage at which the project is expected to have reached and the data packages needed to pursue either of these commercial routes will be discussed.

Panel: Dr Nessa Carey (Carey International Impact Technologies) – Moderator, Dr Adam Babbs (Medical Research Council), Dr Gill Shuttleworth (Cancer Research Horizons), Dr Claire Brown (Oxford Science Enterprises), Prof Simon Hollingsworth (AstraZeneca).

15:55 Closing Remarks
Date: 10 July 2024, 8:45 (Wednesday, 12th week, Trinity 2024)
Venue: Blavatnik School of Government, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter OX2 6GG
Venue Details: Lecture Theatre 1
Speakers: Speaker to be announced
Organiser: Translational Research Office (Medical Sciences Division, University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address:
Host: Translational Research Office (Medical Sciences Division, University of Oxford)
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Booking email:
Cost: Free
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Vlada Yarosh