Oxford Conflict Peace and Security Hub
The Oxford Conflict, Peace and Security Hub – coordinated by Professor Andrea Ruggeri – is organising an International Research Workshop entitled “Bridging Micro and Marco approaches. Integrating Peace Studies and Conflict Studies” on the 20 and 21 of March. The Hub will welcome 18 scholars from UK institutions (LSE, UCL, Warwick, York and Bath) and overseas institutions (ETH, Hebrew University, Madrid Carlos III, UNU-Wider, Georgetown, Duke and Florence University). Scholars will share their ongoing research with a round table on methods of studying conflict and peace. Participants will also explore future avenues of collaboration and how to bid for research grants. The workshop will end with an empirical showcase of Oxford early career researchers
Date: 20 March 2023, 10:30
Venue: Brasenose College, Radcliffe Square OX1 4AJ
Venue Details: Lecture Room VII
Speakers: Lars-Erik Cederman (LSE), Carl Müller-Crepon (LSE), Seung Hoon Chae (University of Oxford), Micha Germann (University of Bath), Patricia Justino (UNU-WIDER), Neil Ketchley (Oxford), Dan Miodownik (University of Oxford), Amiad Haran Diman (University of Oxford), Kristin Marie Bakke (UCL), David Siroky (University of Oxford), Jakob Schram (University of Oxford), Dan Midownik (Hebrew University), Livia Isabella Schubiger (University of Oxford), Lars-Erik Cederman (ETH), Laia Balcells (Georgetown), Anastasia Shesterinina (York), Vincenzo Bove (Warwick), Emily Myers (Duke)
Organising department: Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR)
Organiser: Dr Andrea Ruggeri (University of Oxford)
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Daniel Burton