Swiss Movie Night - "Der Grosse Sommer"

Dear All,

It is our great pleasure to invite you all to the next speaker event of the Oxford University Swiss Society, on Wednesday, May 23rd 2018 at the Dorfman Centre in St Peter’s College!

This term we are very excited to welcome Stefan Jäger, a Swiss movie director who will come and present his movie ‘Der Grosse Sommer’, a story about a solitary, retired Swiss wrestler undertaking a life-changing trip to Japan (

The event will start at 6pm with the projection of the movie, and will be followed by a Q&A session with Mr Jäger, where you will be able to ask him all your questions. You can also send us your questions in advance by email (, or on the event’s Facebook page (!

Not only the event is for free, but we will also treat you with popcorn and soft drinks! Everyone is welcome, so bring your friends along!

Your OSS team,
Anita, Camille, Claudia, Fabian, Jasmin, Lisa, Matthias, Philippe, Seb, Tiziana, Vincent