OxPeace Tenth Annual Day-Conference - The Business of Peace: Business and Economics in Peacebuilding
OxPeace invites you to its Tenth Annual Day-Conference:

The Business of Peace: Business and Economics in Peacebuilding

Saturday 12th May 2018 (3rd Week, Trinity Term), St John’s College, Oxford
Arrival from 09.00, first Plenary 09.30, Conference closes 17.30
With Conference Dinner on Friday, 11th May at Kellogg College
Dinner speaker: Steve Kenzie, Executive Director, UN Global Compact Network UK
Registrations: contact Conference Organiser, Jeremy Cunningham: Cunningham.jeremy@gmail.com

Outline Conference Programme, Saturday 12th May 2018

09.00 Arrivals, registration.
09.30 Welcome and First Plenary:
09.45 Professor Sir Paul Collier, Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University: ‘How Business affects the chance of peace: the upside – jobs; the downside – crooks; and what to do about them’
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 Second Plenary: Business and sustainable peace: theory and practice
Dr Marcel Smits, Institute of Economics and Peace, The Hague: ‘The economics of conflict versus the economics of peacebuilding and sustainable peace’
Andres Ucros, Director of Peacebuilding, Bogota Chamber of Commerce, Colombia: ‘Private Sector and Peacebuilding: Lessons from Colombia’
13.00 Lunch (sandwiches provided)
14.00 Third Plenary: Focus on specific areas:
Dr Liz Carmichael: ‘Progressive roles of business in the South African transition’.
Dr Sarah von Billerbeck: ‘A Role for Commercial Banks in Peacebuilding? Anecdotal Evidence from DR Congo’
Eva Grosman: ‘Strategy, Innovation and Peacebuilding: lessons from Northern Ireland.’
15.30 Tea
16.00 Final Plenary: Making Sustainable Business work for Peace
Josie Lianna Kaye: ‘How to maximise business contributions to peace? Insights from a practitioner-researcher’
Tina McKenzie, leading Northern Irish businessperson, MD of Staffline Group (Ireland): ‘Equality and Business in Post-Conflict Northern Ireland: building shared space and community’
17.20 Closing remarks
17.30 Conference closes.

The Conference is open to all. A minimal fee for Saturday is payable on the day: £5 students, £10 non-students. Coffee, tea and sandwich lunch included.. See further for dinner tickets: Conference Dinner: Friday 11 May 7 for 7.30 pm in the Hall of Kellogg College, 60 Banbury Rd (on the right going north, shortly before Norham Road). Dinner speaker: Steve Kenzie, Executive Director, UN Global Compact Network UK, on the UN Global Compact – a worldwide network of businesses that subscribe to principled business practice (human rights, good labour relations, environmental awareness, anti-corruption) and support the peacebuilding work of the UN. This annual dinner is an informative and festive occasion. Places are limited so please book as soon as possible. Dinner tickets £40 for non-students, and £20 if you are a student and among the first 20 students to register, full price thereafter. For booking please obtain a registration form from Conference Organiser, Jeremy Cunningham: Cunningham.jeremy@gmail.com Dinner payments must be made in advance, payment instructions will be sent to you.
Date: 12 May 2018, 9:00 (Saturday, 3rd week, Trinity 2018)
Venue: St John's College, St Giles OX1 3JP
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organising department: Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR)
Booking required?: Required
Booking email: Cunningham.jeremy@gmail.com
Cost: A minimal fee for Saturday is payable on the day: £5 students, £10 non-students. Coffee, tea and sandwich lunch included. Friday Dinner tickets: £40 for non-students, £20 if you are a student and among the first 20 students to register, full price thereafter.
Audience: Public
Editors: Holly Omand, Minna Lehtinen