What does data really tell us about the generational divide?

Chaired by writer and broadcaster Timandra Harkness. Timandra presents BBC Radio 4 series, FutureProofing and has presented the documentaries, Data, Data Everywhere, Personality Politics & The Singularity.

From housing and employment prospects to differing values and political views – our age is often portrayed as defined by a growing generational divide. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted further intergenerational differences, with the elderly considered more at risk healthwise and millennials, financially. Even before the pandemic, the media has often reinforced age-related stereotypes – on one side, baby boomers who got the best of the post-war economic boom, in the process getting richer and more conservative politically, and millennials, technology savvy and individualistic, political ‘snowflakes’, experiencing an adulthood of precarious employment and housing.

What does data tell us about these apparent generational inequalities and what are the implications for society? Have we really never had it so good? Could things be about to change as the world reluctantly concedes to the “new normal”? The event will address current debates about how COVID-19 has exacerbated generational divides and exposed inequalities in mental health and wellbeing, housing, employment, access to green space and other areas
Date: 10 December 2020, 17:30 (Thursday, 9th week, Michaelmas 2020)
Venue: Zoom webinar
Speaker: Dr Jennie Bristow (Canterbury Christ Church University)
Organiser: The Alan Turing Institute
Part of: Data Debates: Talking about my generation
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Guw_cesdQRKZj0u8dW61PA
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Kate Goodman