New mathematical models for estimating generalised HIV epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa
Estimates of HIV epidemic trends in sub-Saharan Africa are generated by fitting a simple dynamic epidemic model to national data sources about HIV prevalence in a Bayesian framework, to provide inference about population-wide trends in HIV prevalence, new infections, treatment need and coverage, and other policy indicators. In this talk I will (1) discuss motivating observations for revisiting the interpretation of widely relied upon data sources for estimating HIV epidemic trends, (2) describe a new integrated demographic projection and HIV epidemic model for improving HIV epidemic trends and projections in sub-Saharan Africa, and (3) investigate the impact of accounting for biases on inferred HIV epidemic incidence trends in sub-Saharan Africa. Finally, I will discuss future opportunities, challenges, and considerations for combing next generation survey data and routine health facility data to generate more granular and real-time HIV estimates.
9 January 2017, 13:00
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, Headington OX3 7BN
Venue Details:
Room A
Dr Jeff Eaton (Imperial College London)
Organising department:
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
Christine Webb (University of Oxford, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics),
Susan Wilson (University of Oxford, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics)
Professor Christophe Fraser (University of Oxford)
Part of:
WHG Seminars
Booking required?:
Not required
Members of the University only
Carol Mulligan-John