GSK Immunology Catalyst Seminar and Meetings
GSK are actively looking to engage with PIs at Oxford who may have an interest in exploring an area of mutual interest that has the potential for translation – via their Immunology Catalyst programme.

Louise Modis – VP, Immunology Network sponsor and Gillian Tannahill – Director, Immunology Network from GSK will be visiting Oxford to give a Seminar on the scheme and to have meetings with those who are interested in applying.

The Catalyst aims to enable research that may be beyond the scope of academia, and a key aspect is close engagement between the lead PI and GSK scientists. There is no fixed format for collaboration and GSK will meet the costs of the project.

PIs who GSK work with through the programme can spend time working at GSK, and in some instances can employ new post-doc researchers who spend time at GSK during the project.
For more information about the scheme, how to apply and to set up a meeting – please contact Charlotte Bell, Industry Partnerships Manager.

Networking lunch will be served after the seminar and meetings will be scheduled before and after the seminar.

Key areas of interest at GSK:
-Adaptive & Innate Cell Interactions
-Immune cell & Tissue Interactions
-Novel Approaches in targeting B cells therapeutically

The Catalyst will:
➢ Foster open collaborations across scientific disciplines at GSK
➢ Identify novel therapeutic concepts
➢ Develop scientific capability in immunology research
➢ Funding to support research, staff and internal technology
➢ Translate academic findings into medicines that benefit patients.

How to Apply
* Please contact Charlotte Bell, Industry Partnerships Manager ( you are interested in this opportunity and in organising a meeting with GSK on 27th November
* You will be required to complete an Expression of Interest form (non-confidential) and return it to Charlotte by Monday 4th November.
* This will then be considered by GSK ahead of your meeting so that you can have the most productive discussion.
Date: 27 November 2019, 12:00
Venue: Innovation Building
Venue Details: BioEscalator Seminar Room
Speakers: Speaker to be announced
Organisers: Dr Charlotte Bell (University of Oxford), Dr Georgina Kerr (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address:
Host: Prof. Paul Klenerman (Peter Medawar Building, NDM, Oxford)
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Booking email:
Cost: Free
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Charlotte Bell