Correlates of risk of TB disease and their back-translation into animal models
This seminar is being streamed online and will also be set up for live viewing at the Centre for Clinical Vaccinology & Tropical Medicine (CCVTM), Churchill Hospital, Oxford. The actual seminar will take place at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. The talk is part of a seminar series hosted by the VALIDATE Network (“VAccine deveLopment for complex Intracellular neglecteD pAThogEns”), led by Prof Helen McShane, Jenner Institute, University of Oxford.
To view online: The talk will open at 12.30pm on 6th December. It is not necessary to be a LSHTM member to access this link.
Abstract: Immune correlates of risk of TB disease have recently been identified in human clinical trials. These correlates indicate that, years before TB disease develops, there is alteration in the host-immune environment which is associated with risk of TB disease. Perhaps these alterations render the immune environment permissive to mycobacterial infection or increased growth, or perhaps they reduce the efficacy of the BCG vaccine? Back translation of immune correlates of risk into animal models will enable us to address these questions and model the immune response of those individuals at greatest risk of TB disease.
Non LSHTM viewers will be able to ask questions via Twitter by posting to @NetworkValidate
Each VALIDATE seminar will consist of a Group Leader and a Post-doc discussing a topic in their field that they believe will have cross-pathogen interest for VALIDATE members. All seminars are live-streamed and details can be found found here:
6 December 2017, 12:30
Centre for Clinical Vaccinology & Tropical Medicine (CCVTM), Seminar Room
Ass. Prof. Helen Fletcher (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine),
Dr Andrea Zelmer (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)
Organising department:
The Jenner Institute
Organiser contact email address:
Part of:
Jenner Seminars
Booking required?:
Not required
Members of the University only
Lisbeth Soederberg