The Presence of Absence
Regular attendees should note the earlier than usual start time and change of venue - enter St John's by the Kendrew Quad entrance. This seminar is joint with the Richard Wollheim Centenary Project -- see Please register at confirming your status as academic (includes students), mental health practitioner, or other (please specify).
Ela Gorkay will be showing and talking about her film, The Presence of Absence, which has been showing alongside the exhibition of artworks, with the same title, by Patrice Moor.
Date: 28 February 2024, 18:00
Venue: The Kendrew Barn, St John's College
Speaker: Ela Gorkay (Freelance film-maker)
Part of: Interdisciplinary Seminars in Psychoanalysis
Booking required?: Required
Booking email:
Cost: Free
Audience: The workshop is open to university members and mental health professionals. All are welcome but space is limited. If you wish to attend please register.
Editor: Paul Tod