Paulina Kewes, University of Oxford, The First Tudor Succession Tract?
Religion in Britain and Ireland, 1400-1700

Seminar series on Thursdays at 5pm, Trinity Term 2024
in the Lecture Room at Campion Hall
Convened by Diarmaid MacCulloch, Judith Maltby, Sarah Mortimer and Grant Tapsell

Week 1 Paulina Kewes, University of Oxford
25 April The First Tudor Succession Tract?

Offered by the Faculties of History and Theology and Religion.
Drinks will be served after the seminar on 25 April and 13 June.
For more information, or for the Teams link to join remotely, please contact
Date: 25 April 2024, 17:00 (Thursday, 1st week, Trinity 2024)
Venue: Lecture Room
Speaker: Professor Paulina Kewes (Jesus College, Oxford)
Organisers: Grant Tapsell, Diarmaid MacCulloch, Judith Maltby, Sarah Mortimer
Organiser contact email address:
Hosts: Grant Tapsell (University of Oxford), Judith Maltby (University of Oxford), Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch (University of Oxford), Sarah Mortimer (Christ Church, Oxford)
Part of: Religion in Britain and Ireland, 1400-1700
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Emily Milhench