Parasites: masters of disguise
The parasites that cause human disease try to stay undercover, finding safe homes within the bodies of their hosts. Within these homes they can eat, drink and make merry, using the resources of the host to produce another generation of tiny parasites. But this can be very bad news for the host, causing diseases such as malaria. So it is evolutionary war, with the human body trying to destroy the parasites, while the parasites fight to stay alive.
Join us to hear Dr Matt Higgins discuss how these tiny parasites learn to evade detection, and how we can try to develop vaccines to stop them.
Date: 21 October 2015, 19:00 (Wednesday, 2nd week, Michaelmas 2015)
Venue: St Aldates Tavern, The Blue Room
Speaker: Dr Matt Higgins
Organiser: Cheryl Chan (Oxford SciBar)
Organiser contact email address:
Part of: Scibar
Booking required?: Not required
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Cheryl Chan