If Hong Kong is really over
Stephen Roach, a faculty member at Yale and formerly chair of Morgan Stanley Asia, said in February, that ‘it pains me to say Hong Kong is over’. For many people inside and outside Hong Kong, it is also difficult not to believe that the Hong Kong, as they know it, is already gone. Since Hong Kong was returned to China in 1997, the Chinese Communist Party gradually ate up all promises to Hong Kong people and the international community, it even ignored what had been agreed in the Sino British Declaration and stipulated in the Basic Law of The HKSAR. As an insider, the speaker would like to share his personal experience and views on how this so-called ‘over’ came about gradually and so drastically in the last few years. If Hong Kong is really over, what does this mean to the 7.5 million people still living there? What will be the implications to China and to the world?

Dr Kim Wah Chung is a retired academic who has been teaching and doing research in Hong Kong for more than 30 years before his retirement in 2020. He then became the Deputy CEO for the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute for two years before he moved to UK, in ‘exile’ as some would say, in late April 2022. He has extensive knowledge of public administration, social policies, social welfare and social development of Hong Kong and China.
Date: 22 May 2024, 17:00
Venue: Dickson Poon Building, Canterbury Road OX2 6LU
Venue Details: Kin-ku Cheng Lecture Theatre (lower ground floor)
Speaker: Dr Kim Wah Chung
Organising department: Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Organiser: Professor Todd Hall (University of Oxford)
Host: Dr Verna Yu (University of Oxford)
Part of: China Centre talks
Booking required?: Not required
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Clare Orchard