The impacts of omics data on translational science
Tom Freeman is Senior Director, Translational Systems Immunology, at Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine.

Prior to joining Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine in June 2020, Tom Freeman had a long academic career working in different areas of innate functional genomics, immunity and computational biology. He held the chair of Systems Immunology at the University of Edinburgh and before this led Gene Expression Group at the Sanger Institute (1994-2000) before joining the MRC HGMP-Resource Centre (2000-2005), also on the Hinxton Campus, where he headed up the UK National Microarray Programme.

His interest in data analysis and generating expression atlases led to him to develop a number of well-known network analysis tools and approaches. He has founded two companies in the data analytics space and authored over 160 peer-reviewed articles. Tom is now a Senior Director at Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine, where he heads the Translational Systems Immunology Group, which is focused on delivering portfolio-facing computation analyses in support of patient stratification, biomarker identification, analysis of clinical trials data and delivering precision medicine.

Lunch will be served at 12.30 prior to the seminar.
Date: 10 October 2024, 13:00
Venue: IMS-Tetsuya Nakamura Building, Roosevelt Dr, Headington OX3 7TY
Venue Details: Ground Floor Seminar Room - followed by lunch and networking
Speaker: Tom Freeman (Johnson and Johnson Innovative Medicine)
Organising department: Medical Sciences Office
Organisers: Sheena Lee (MSD Business Partnerships Office), Dr Charlotte Bell (University of Oxford), Medical Sciences Division Business Partnerships Office (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address:
Host: Dr Charlotte Bell (University of Oxford)
Part of: Industry Insight Seminar Series
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: Free
Audience: Members of the University of Oxford and the UK Biotech/Pharma industry
Editor: Sheena Lee