Developing your ideas: planning with room for opportunity
Possession of a ‘thunderbolt’ idea is not enough to guarantee success in research or business. Planning the practicalities and routes to an end ‘product’ (publications, further funding, marketable items) are a necessary step. Often this planning process brings opportunities and threats to light. This interactive course will use Kanban and the value proposition canvas. With your research project as a starting point, participants will develop their projects further.thinking about adding value at every step
Aims: To explore the use of tools from the world of the business to plan and develop your research project. These tools will help identify stakeholders, map out the possible impact of a project and identify possible road blocks.
Objectives: by the end of this session participants will have:
* Explored different visual business planning methods
* Mapped out their research project
* Thought about those that their research affects and what affects their research
* Used the value proposition canvas
Date: 15 November 2017, 9:30
Venue: 24-29 St Giles', 24-29 St Giles' OX1 3LB
Venue Details: Dept Statistics LG03
Speaker: Dr Emma Williams
Organising department: Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences (MPLS)
Organiser: Anne Miller (MPLS)
Organiser contact email address:
Part of: Enterprising Researcher Development Programme
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Audience: Members of the University only
Editors: Anne Miller, Sophie Campbell