Matthew Wilkinson, “Islam, Islamism, and Violent Extremism: Three Distinct World-views”, Christian Ethics Graduate Research Seminar

8th Week: 29 November
Matthew Wilkinson
“Islam, Islamism, and Violent Extremism: Three Distinct World-views”
Dr Matthew Wilkinson is Research Fellow in Islam in Education & Law at SOAS, University of London. He is the author of A Fresh Look at Islam in a Multi-faith World: a philosophy for success through education (Routledge, 2015) which was awarded the Cheryl Frank Memorial Prize. Matthew has been a practising Muslim since 1991. He has acted as an Expert Witness in 24 recent counter-terrorism trials, instructed by both the Crown Prosecution and the Defence. His next book is entitled Islam, Islamism and Violent Islamist Extremism: what everyone needs to know.