The Legacy of Karma Pakshi: A Talk on the Origins of Tibet's Reincarnate Lamas Tradition

30th Anniversary celebration talk for Buddhistdoor Global.
Karma Pakshi, a Buddhist meditation master, travelled several Silk Routes to teach 2 Mongolian Emperors – Mongke Khan and Kubilai Khan. He is considered to be the primary founder of the reincarnation succession tradition for Tibetan Buddhist lamas, which spread widely in Tibet, Himalayan regions, and Mongolia, leading to the Dalai Lama reincarnates ruling Tibet for 300 years. He suffered imprisonment, torture and exile during his travels, but with eventual reconciliation. Towards end of his life he built an 18-metre high metal Buddha statue in Central Tibet, one of the tallest in the medieval world.
Research has been based on Karma Pakshi’s memoirs and Tibetan histories.