Functional gradients in the prefrontal cortex can be predicted from individual sulci morphology
It is well known that the prefrontal cortex is involved in the coordination and expression of executive functions (such as monitoring of information within working memory, performance monitoring, selection of appropriate responses, etc…). The majority of neuroimaging studies using group averaging techniques have failed to dissociate the relative contribution of each areas of the prefrontal cortex in these processes. My research uses an approach combining functional magnetic resonance imaging and subject by subject analysis. I will present data that shows 1) that individual sulci variability is a powerful tool to assess anatomo-functional dissociations between the prefrontal areas and 2) the existence of a rostrocaudal functional gradient within both the lateral and medial prefrontal cortex that can be observed in individual brains.
25 October 2016, 13:00
C113 Weiskrantz Room, Department of Experimental Psychology
Dr. Celine Amiez (INSERM, Lyon)
Organising department:
Department of Experimental Psychology
Organiser contact email address:
Jerome Sallet (University of Oxford)
Booking required?:
Not required
Members of the University only
Darren Barber