Oxford Spring School in Advanced Research Methods
The Oxford Spring School offers graduate students and researchers from universities across the UK and abroad a unique venue to learn cutting-edge methods in Social Science.

The programme consists of a variety of advanced courses, which place different data analysis techniques within broader disciplinary trends towards mixed-methods research designs. Working with our world leading teachers and researchers in quantitative and qualitative methods, you will have the opportunity to choose the course subject options which suit you best.

Oxford Spring School 2019 will take place Monday 8 April to Friday 12 April. Applications are open until 28 January. Apply now: www.politics.ox.ac.uk/spring-school/spring-school-applications.html?schoolid=517
Date: 8 April 2019, 9:00 (Monday, -2nd week, Trinity 2019)
Venue: Lady Margaret Hall, Norham Gardens OX2 6QA
Speakers: Ezequiel González Ocantos (University of Oxford), Andy Eggers (University of Oxford), Annette Idler (University of Oxford), Anja Neundorf (University of Nottingham), Tom O’Grady (UCL), Thomas Robinson (University of Oxford)
Organising department: Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR)
Organisers: Andy Eggers (University of Oxford), Ezequiel González Ocantos (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address: springschool@politics.ox.ac.uk
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://www.politics.ox.ac.uk/spring-school/spring-school-applications.html?schoolid=517
Cost: £670
Audience: The Oxford Spring School welcomes committed graduate students and researchers who will benefit from our advanced training in quantitative and qualitative methods. Applications to study on our courses will be evaluated by the co-directors.
Editors: Holly Omand, Minna Lehtinen