Comparing Iberian cities of empire
Venue: Ruskin Room (Cohen Quad)
Stuart Schwartz, ‘Cities of empire: Mexico and Bahia in the sixteenth century’, Journal of Inter-American Studies 11:4 (1969): 616-637;
Alejandra B. Osorio, Inventing Lima: Baroque modernity in Peru’s South Sea metropolis (2008), Ch. 2 (‘Lima es corte: The viceroy as cultural capital’, 57-80)
Catarina Madeira Santos, ‘Luanda: A colonial city between Africa and the Atlantic, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries’, in Liam M. Borckey (ed.), Portuguese colonial cities in the early modern world (2008) 249-272.
21 November 2018, 14:00
Cohen Quadrangle, Walton Street OX1 2HD
Venue Details:
Ruskin Room (Cohen Quad)
Speaker: Various Speakers
Part of:
Reading Group on Early Modern Iberian History
Booking required?:
Not required
Members of the University only
Laura Spence