Ex-ducere and edu-care: Learning together for an ecology of well-being
Full programme at http://www.qeh.ox.ac.uk/events/ex-ducere-and-edu-care-learning-together-ecology-well-being
The inaugural meeting of the Educere Network invites you to participate in a lively hands-on event where we shall practically consider the relevance of anthropology, and its primary method participant-observation, to education, care and transdisciplinary research. We hope to explore entangled, meaning-matter, processes of learning and knowing (Barad 2007). Bringing into attention an embodied ethic of awareness, extended at once to living beings, materials and things, we will work together to support an environment for care-full participatory learning.

Participant-observation is understood here neither as data collection nor the descriptive documentation of social facts but a symbiotic process of educating. It entails the training of attention, movement, sensory-spatial orientation; it is a way of taking turns in leading each other out into the world (Ingold, 2018) and learning how to live well. To practice anthropology, then, is to explore and learn with and from people and to pursue skills and attitudes such as care, compassion, curiosity or playfulness.

During the workshop we will engage in a wide range of practices such as basketry, dance, contemplative practice, performance, to name a few, while reflecting on the following questions:

-What and how do we learn with and from our research participants: whether they be people, non-human organisms, materials, things or landscapes?
-How does the method of participant-observation resonate with other methods of enquiry and/or pedagogical practices?
-How can sensitivities, attitudes and skills generated through participatory research support a dialogue with other academic and non-academic fields of inquiry/activity?

The event is free of charge but places are limited so to book a place, please register.

Please bring your own umbrella and apron.
Date: 18 November 2017, 9:00
Venue: Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organising department: Oxford Department of International Development
Organiser: Elizabeth Rahman (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address: elizabeth.rahman@qeh.ox.ac.uk
Part of: ODID Conferences and Workshops
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/educere-network-workshop-tickets-39014791291
Audience: Public
Editor: Jo Boyce