Workshop: Clinical Genomics in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
This workshop is targeted at paediatric gastroenterologists, trainees, nurse specialists, immunologists, clinical geneticists, paediatricians with an interest in GI disorders and adult gastroenterologists. Please register on link below.
Central and South Genomic Medicine Service Alliance

25/04/2023 In Oxford

Clinical Genomics in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can be caused by monogenic conditions. For those
exceptionally rare conditions, the NHS has commissioned genomic testing in specific patient
groups. The successful implementation and progression of clinical genomics for IBD requires
multi-disciplinary care, specialist knowledge and establishment of networks. Within this
workshop, hosted by the monogenic IBD team from the Central and South Genomic Medicine
Service Alliance, we aim to discuss clinical care for these patients, practical implementation
of clinical genomics and discuss specific monogenic cases. This workshop is targeted at
paediatric gastroenterologists, trainees, nurse specialists and adult gastroenterologists.

Introduction Holm Uhlig, Oxford
Monogenic IBD in the UK – Ana Martinez Pereira, London
Genetic and genomic sequencing techniques in the NHS – Daniella Iancu,
Monogenic IBD – Clinical genomics UK guideline for children and adults –
Jochen Kammermeier, London, and Chris Lamb, Newcastle
Clinical MDT network Southampton James Ashton, Southampton
Clinical MDT network Birmingham Wolfram Haller, Birmingham
Clinical genomics MDT – Kimberly Gilmour, London
The monogenic IBD MDT – Lessons from the Transformational Project -Round
table discussion – Moderators James Ashton and Rafeeq Muhammed, Tracy
Inborn errors of Immunity – Sophie Hambleton, Newcastle
Case discussions and research projects
Large scale sequencing in the UK IBD BioResource – from research into
clinical practice Rofaida Desoki, Cambridge
Role of NFKB signalling for intestinal inflammation Kelsey Jones, London
New sequencing technologies Alex Noble, Oxford
Small bowel inflammatory enteropathies – Tania Bildstein, London
XIAP deficiency and inflammatory bowel disease – impact on a patient and
health care costs Philip Allan, Oxford
Patient organisation representation Crohn’s & Colitis UK, CGD society, XLP research trust

Date: 25 April 2023, 10:00
Venue: Manor Road Oxford OX1 3UJ
Speakers: Speaker to be announced
Organiser: Professor Holm Uhlig (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address:
Host: Professor Holm Uhlig (University of Oxford)
Part of: TGLU Seminars
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: Free
Audience: This workshop is targeted at paediatric gastroenterologists, trainees, nurse specialists, immunologists, clinical geneticists, paediatricians with an interest in GI disorders and adult gastroenterologists.
Editor: Verity Davies