Trusted Research and Assurance May Surgery
The Trusted Research Team welcome you to join our May informational Surgery!

University research is facing increasing scrutiny from the UK Government and research funders in relation to security, ethical, financial, and reputational risk. A range of measures have been rolled out to address risk in international research collaborations, such as legislation, advice services, and support to universities in their due diligence processes. Actions include the export control regulatory framework and the National Security and Investments Act, as well as the tightening of funder terms and conditions.

To help departments navigate the changing landscape of Trusted Research, Research Services regularly host a series of Trusted Research & Assurance Surgeries. These surgeries are open to researchers, departmental support staff, divisional representatives, and RS colleagues to discuss all aspects of Trusted Research and Assurance including export control, NSIA, and due diligence on international collaborations.

To ensure your session meets your and your department’s needs, we ask that you clarify your particular area of interest upon booking: * Export Control as it relates to your department

Due Diligence for third parties
Managing risk
Information on National Security Investment Act and other legislation involving international collaborative research
Questions regarding a specific case

The next surgery will be held Wednesday, May 14th 2025. From 10:00 to 14:00

At Boundary Brook House, Churchill Drive Oxford OX3 7LQ

To book your 30 min timeslot, please contact

A kind reminder, the deadline for booking a timeslot is Tuesday, May 13th 2025
Date: 14 May 2025, 10:00
Venue: Boundary Brook House, Churchill Drive, Headington OX3 7LQ
Venue Details: The Magdalen Room
Speakers: Dr Katarina Wiecha (Research Assurance), Dr Nick Gehman (Trusted Research), Josh Lowe
Organiser: Stephanie Mathyssek (Research Services)
Organiser contact email address:
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Booking email:
Cost: n/a
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Stephanie Mathyssek