Postcolonial and World Literatures Seminar: ‘Storytelling and identities in contemporary Namibia’
With visiting Africa Oxford fellow, Nelson Mlambo (University of Namibia), ‘Storytelling and identities in contemporary Namibia’ (with Elleke Boehmer, chaired by Penny Cartwright).
Sandwiches will be served.

The aim of the seminar is to foster a dynamic and interdisciplinary postcolonial research culture supportive of individual scholarship. Finalists, M.St. and D.Phil. students, lecturers, fellows, scholars from across the university community – all are welcome. If you’d like to appear on the seminar mailing list, please email OR
Date: 11 May 2023, 13:00
Venue: St Cross Building, St Cross Road OX1 3UR
Venue Details: History of the Book Room
Speaker: Nelson Mlambo (University of Namibia)
Organising department: Faculty of English Language and Literature
Part of: Postcolonial and World Literatures Seminar
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editors: Katy Terry, Hope Lukonyomoi-Otunnu