A new model for applied environmental research? Agile Initiative Showcase
How can we do more and better cutting-edge, rapid, impact-focussed research while meeting the needs of policy makers? This event will address this question, as well as showcase the current Agile sprint teams’ research.

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Oxford University mobilised teams of the best researchers from different academic disciplines, working together with decision-makers, practitioners, funders, private companies and publishers. We pushed the boundaries of traditional academic research to deliver excellent research to tackle a public health emergency, and we did it fast.

How can we do the same in response to the environmental emergencies the world is facing? This is precisely what the Agile Initiative at the Oxford Martin School was set up to do. This showcase event will explore the work of Agile, and similar efforts at Oxford, as well taking the view of key research users, and considering the broader trends facing impactful, rapid, cutting-edge research. On 22nd November we will bring together researchers and decision makers from the University of Oxford and beyond to explore the state-of-the-art and future of agile impact-focussed research.
Date: 22 November 2023, 9:30 (Wednesday, 7th week, Michaelmas 2023)
Venue: Oxford Martin School, 34 Broad Street OX1 3BD
Speakers: Prof Kathy Willis (University of Oxford), John Lynch (Department of Physics), Dr Jessica Omukuti (Research Fellow on Inclusive Net Zero, working with the Institute for Science, Innovation and Society (InSIS) at the University of Oxford), Dr Aline Soterroni (Research Fellow), Dr Nathalie Seddon (Director of the Biodiversity Institute), Kathryn Oliver (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Dr Peter Barbrook-Johnson (Agile Initiative, INET, University of Oxford), Professor Patrick Grant (Chair) (University of Oxford (Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research)), Carlo Palazzi (University of Oxford), Anupama Sen (University of Oxford), Dr James Robson (SKOPE, Department of Education), Dr Mark Hirons (School of Geography and the Environment)
Organising department: Oxford Martin School
Organisers: Peter Barbrook-Johnson (Complexity Economics, INET Oxford), Prof Nathalie Seddon (Director, Nature-based Solutions Initiative)
Organiser contact email address: heather.stallard@oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=G96VzPWXk0-0uv5ouFLPka4QV9BOJihOtK1a1SIecbZUQUVOMjVTMTRBMFpLS0hJTVpKTkVMWlJTMS4u
Audience: Public
Editor: Heather Stallard