Reflections from the Isis Youth Offenders Prison: A comparative analysis of two prison systems
This lecture is the latest initiative in developing the relationship between Linacre College and Isis. It follows the second Annual Oxford-Isis Prison debate, which took place at Isis on 23 October 2019, organised by the local chapter of the Linacre African Network.
Date: 5 March 2020, 17:30 (Thursday, 7th week, Hilary 2020)
Venue: Linacre College, St Cross Road OX1 3JA
Venue Details: Tanner Room
Speakers: Emily Thomas (Governor of Her Majesty’s Prison/ Young Offenders Institution Isis, London), Professor Ian O'Donnell (Professor of Criminology, University College Dublin)
Organiser: Elizabeth Welsh (Linacre College)
Organiser contact email address:
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Audience: Public
Editor: Nick Leimu-Brown